For lawn maintenance:
Monhegan Blend is a great organic and natural choice for revitalizing your lawn. On any well-established lawn, top-dress with 1/4” to 1/2” of Monhegan Blend at least once a year, in the spring or late fall. Apply with a spreader or broadcast by hand, lightly rake to level, tamp or roll, seed (where required) and water. For general overseeding and lawn repairs, we recommend thoroughly mixing Monhegan Blend with seed in a wheelbarrow before spreading. This is best done in the fall, when the soil is warm, and rainfall is more consistent. In any event, use a leaf rake to spread the soil and blend evenly.
For filling holes & low spots:
Fill any low spots or depressions in an established lawn with Monhegan Blend. Make sure to over-fill the hole, then lightly tamp the soil down, smooth it over with a rake, then seed, mulch, and water.
For conditioning beds & gardens:
To recondition poor garden soil, work 2 inches into the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. To maintain established beds and gardens and for most vegetables, herbs, and flowers, top-dress with 1–2 inches of Monhegan Blend.
Potting Soil enriched with…
Potting Soil enriched with…

The frame for our soils name
It’s no secret why this small, secluded island hosts the thriving art colony that celebrates the vibrant coastal vistas that frame the Gulf of Maine.
Monhegan Island, Maine

Rich Resources for Your Garden

Native Seed Secrets
Tempted to go native in your garden? Seeds are a super way to start. Thanks to the new movement to nurture native plants in our gardens, seeds of all-time favorites...

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