
Mycorrhizae (pronounced my-kuh-rye-zee) are a natural occurring fungi (same family as mushrooms) which work in a symbiotic partnership with plant roots to help increase a plant’s ability to absorb nutrients and waters from the soil. The way they work is a lot like the beneficial bacteria in our own digestive system. Plants inoculated early with mycorrhizae have a better chance of becoming more vigorous and fruitful.

There are two broad categories of mycorrhizal fungi, endo and ecto.

The endos penetrate plant root cells and colonize approximately 80% of the world’s plant species, including most vegetables, fruit trees, flowering plants and shrubs, grasses, legumes and many more.

The ectos live only on the exterior surface of the root and will colonize an additional 7% of the world’s plant species including most conifers and a few broadleaf trees such as oak, elm, poplar, birch and beech.

Benefits of Mycorrhizae

  • 100% Natural and organic treatment (mycorrhizae are living organisms)
  • Tried and tested by nature over more than 400 million years
  • One off treatment that lasts the duration of a plants’ lifetime (when planting in final position)
  • Easy and safe to apply
  • Increased drought resistance and immunity to heat stress
  • Decreased requirement for fertilizers
  • Faster growth due to increased uptake of soil phosphorous
  • Increased resistance to root diseases
  • Improves soil structure on eroded or reclaimed sites or steep banks (helps bind soil together)
  • Helps limit weed invasion (through improved soil structure)
  • Increases plant diversity
  • Increased root area, flowering & fruiting
  • Increased survival rates of transplants and seedlings
  • Can be applied to mature plants and trees
  • Roots colonized by mycorrhizae take hold faster in newly planted plants