Sphagnum peat moss, composted manure and aged bark.
Conditioning & revitalizing soil:
Organic & Natural Planting Soil for Acid-Loving Pants is the ideal soil conditioner to improve and revitalize the soil around your azaleas, rhodys and other acid-loving plants. It is naturally lightweight and contains just the right ingredients to grow beautiful blossoms and fruit.
New & existing garden beds:
Work a 2“ layer of Organic & Natural Planting Soil for Acid-Loving Plants into the top 4” to 6“ of existing soil before planting. To maintain healthy soils, apply a 2” to 3” layer of our Organic & Natural Planting Soil every year around your existing acid-loving plants. This is best done either in the spring before new foliage emerges, or in the fall after the plants have gone dormant.
Planting holes:
When planting acid loving plants such as rhododendrons, azaleas, ferns, hollies, hydrangeas, and blueberries, back fill the planting hole with with equal parts of Organic & Natural Planting Soil for Acid-Loving Plants and the surrounding soil, tamping lightly around the plant. Be careful not to pack the soil down around the plant, as this eliminates valuable airspace for the roots. Instead, water the plant to settle the soil, adding more soil if needed. Water thoroughly and regularly until the plant has established itself. Feed plants with an organic plant food as needed.
Potting Soil enriched with…
Our soils contain natural ingredients sourced from ocean waters and farms.

The frame for our brand name
Living close to the land keeps you grounded in life's richest gifts. And nothing nurtures the world above better than the soil below, cultivated from products and practices rooted in the...
Coast of Maine

Rich Resources for Your Garden

Native Seed Secrets
Tempted to go native in your garden? Seeds are a super way to start. Thanks to the new movement to nurture native plants in our gardens, seeds of all-time favorites...

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