How to Promote an Ad on Facebook Tutorial
Coast of Maine’s Cameron Bonsey walks you through how to create an ad, select an audience and budget for Facebook promotions.
Click Here to watch Video—>
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#PenobscotBlend #CompletePlantingMix #OrganicPlantingMix #ThePlantingEssential #GiveYourPlantsSomeMussels #BlueberryMusselSalmonMix #ShrubsAndTrees #ShrubsLoveMussels #FeedYourShrubsMussels #MusselEatingShrubs #HealthySoilHealthyPlants #AllPurposeSoilConditioner #PlantSomething #GrowOrganic #GiveYourPlantsTheBest #GrowYourOwn #GrowToEat #OrganicGardening #WeLoveSoil #ChemicalFree #OrganicLife #OrganicFood #SoilCraftedWithCare #CoastOfMaineOrganic #CoastOfMaineSoil
YouTube Videos
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Videos on Organic Gardening, featuring Penobscot:
Penobscot Blend – Organic Compost & Pete Planting Mix – Great for Trees & Shrubs
Coast of Maine’s Pete Bottomley and Felicia Newman talk about Penobscot Blend Panting Mix. An all-in-one blend for both planting annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees or conditioning gardens beds and borders. A rich, smooth blend of salmon and blueberry compost, tiny mussel shell fragments and peat. The shell fragments help aerate the soil and add texture to your soil. Available in 1cf. bags.
Penobscot Blend Complete Planting Mix
Pete Bottomley and Cameron Bonsey explain what makes Coast of Maine’s Penobscot Blend Complete Planting Mix so effective and unique. The blend of mussel shells, salmon, blueberries, peat moss, and compost are amazing for any of your acid loving plants, like blueberries, rhododendrons and azaleas.
Penobscot Blend Product Description and Detailed Information
- An Organic all -in-one planting mix. Great for annuals, Perennials, shrubs, trees as well as conditioning soil.
- Mussel shells provide nutrients and help aerate soil
- Naturally pH balanced, calcium enriched
- Ideal for quick, healthy root growth
Our all-in-one planting mix for annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees or conditioning gardens, beds and borders. A rich, smooth blend of salmon and blueberry compost, composted cow manure, aged bark, peat humus and tiny mussel shell fragments. The shell fragments help to aerate and add texture to your soil, which results in improved root growth.
Available in 1.0 cf bags.